Anyone who qualifies for Medicaid and is eligible for skilled services can sign up for a Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) plan. MLTCs are designed for people who can no longer live alone without assistance but do not require care in a long-term nursing home facility. For those who do not have Medicaid, Marquis Home Care and Marquis Certified Home Care offers competitive private pay plans that allow you to take advantage of our services. Our home care services are provided through managed long term car plans which are approved by the New York State Department of Health.
Enrollment in a MLTC plan is mandatory for those who:
* Have dual eligibility for Medicare and Medicaid
* Are over 21 years of age
* Require community-based long term care services for more than 120 days.
Our team at Marquis has the experience with guiding multitudes in MLTC plans and can help you choose the one that is right for you.
Contact our medicaid specialist today to see how we can help.
Marquis works with numerous long term liability insurance companies that offer home health care as part of your lifetime insurance bank.
Contact us today to see if we can work with your long term liability insurance company.
Medicare covers a wide variety of services that Marquis Certified Home Care can provide including skilled nursing services, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and more. Reach out to us today to discuss further.
Contact us today to see how we can help you with certified home care.
A managed care organization (MCO) is a health care provider, group or organization of medical service providers who offer managed care health plans. It is a health organization that contracts with insurers or self-insured employers and finances and delivers health care using a specific provider network and specific services and products.
They provide a wide variety of quality and managed health care services to enrolled workers keeping medical costs down through preventative medicine, patient education, and in other ways. These organizations are certified by the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services (DCBS).
Marquis accepts private pay cases where the member or their family pays Marquis directly for services rendered. This option is for those who are not part of an MLTC or for those who do not have Medicaid or another long term liability insurance plan.
We offer flexible payment plans and accept payment in the form of check or credit card.
Contact us or make a referral today.
Navigating all types of insurance choices and making payments are tough. We can help.
Let’s partner in providing care for someone you know.
1762 Central Avenue
Albany, NY 12205
118 Sanford Farms Shopping Center
Amsterdam, NY 12010
Tel: 518.216.0100
Fax: 518.867.8712
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Contact us today if you’re ready to pursue a career in superior home health care.